
Sunday, December 17, 2006

Selling “Duros” for four pesetas!!!

Last Friday, watching the news on TV I saw a lot of people protesting at different airports because of Air Madrid problem. Goverment has cancelled its flying license because their planes haven´t passed all the security controls needed. A victim at the airport was being interviewed by a reporter and she was explained about her decission to fly with Air Madrid because the ticket price was much cheaper than the others… As my grandma says ‘ Selling “Duros” for four pesetas!!! . Strange bussiness, don´t you think?. We, the society, are falling into an spiral looking for the philosophal stone. We pretend to pay less for things having the same quality but we know that´s impossible. Why those tickets were cheaper??? Does Air Madrid, and the rest of low-cost companies offer the same services than non low-cost companies? Does Lufthansa, Air France, Alitalia, KLM, Iberia, etc… offer the same services than low-cost companies? OF COURSE, NO.

Of course, all companies can have problems but no all of them look for the same solution. A non low-cost company spent money on their planes and has qualified workers who controls airplanes security and do all security controls needed, has agreements with other companies and, in case you have a problem with a flight, they can re-route you. A low-cost company save all that money to reduce tickets cost. My question is: How much cost our security? We probably save 100 euros flying on a low-cost company and later we spend those 100 euros on any other silly thing. Do you value your life only in 100 euros???.

Let’s be more intelligent, and be intelligent doesn´t mean to save money, means to look for our security.


  • At 12:39 AM, Blogger Maia said…

    Hi ladybird!!
    You have all the reason!! It's very difficult to cut down prices in tickets if the companies want to have the same security. But the problem now is people who have bought a ticket fly in that air company!!

    Thanks for your last comment in my blog about Christmas! When there are kids in a family it's more funny for them to celebrate Christmas in a traditional way and I think it's more funny for parents too!! Are you agree?
    I really like your blog too and your points of view about things.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ladybird!

  • At 1:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Ladybird,

    I quite agree with you there, sooner or later cheap things turn out to be expensive, nobody gives anything away.

  • At 3:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Ladybird,

    Your reflections are totally natural and well justified given all the recent eveidence, particularly in Spain. However, the overall historical evidence, looking beyond Spain into Europe and beyond, basically justifies the opposite argument: it is totally possible to succesfully and safely run a big airline offering very low prices.

    I don´t want to bother you with details, perhaps just a couple of comments:
    - Southwest in the US has been operating profitably for 30 years - they have over 300 planes - one class of service (economy), no seat assignment, food-for-pay, no connections and you buy only through their call centre or internet. They are very cheap. And they have never, ever, had a significant maintenance-related incident.

    - Ryanair and easyJet in Europe are slowly going in that direction. They both have 2 X the amount of scrutiny on maintenance and they respond. With thousands of daily flights, today, they have never had any incidents or review or "llamadas de atención" or anything over the years they have been operating.

    My conclusion is clear: in Spain, we have a double challenge: 1) to make sure that we can match the great operating performance of the low-cost airlines abroad, and 2) to change the perception of Spanish travellers to make sure that they realise that it is possible to do it.

    I hope you agree. And I hope you will fly us one day!

    Muchos saludos,


    Alex Cruz
    CEO, clickair, Barcelona

  • At 1:16 PM, Blogger Ladybird said…

    Wow! I think I put one´s finger on the sore spot Mr. Alex Cruz. You talk about historical evidence. Which historical evidence? Which is an evidence for you? To pay low salaries to workers doing the same work than others who have a decent one??? To make part-time contracts???. And what about experience workers? Do you prepare them properly for the work they're going to do???. Do those airplanes have the same inspections than others from non low-price companies? My brother works as a airplane mechanic for Iberia and he laughs many times about the kind of inspections low-price company do to their planes. PLEASE, YOU COULD HAVE FOOLED ME. Probably those companies work very well in USA, but remember this is not USA, this is Spain. From your point of view, then, I worker from McDonald's is also well paid (because in USA they are well paid!!!). Probably your position at ClickAir allows you a good salary but, PLEASE, don´t try to make me believe than a worker who is checking everyday at ClickAir has the same salary and working conditions than other from Iberia.

  • At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congratulations!!! You're really on the right spot!

  • At 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ouch... Ladybird... that hurts... But I acknowledge your comments.

    Let me quickly address some of your questions:

    - "To pay low salaries to workers doing the same work than others who have a decent one". I have three types of workers: pilots, cabin crew and office staff. Pilots make exactly the same as any other airline in Spain with the exception of the big ones like Iberia. The same goes with cabin crew. And the same goes with office workers. Where there is no doubt is that we work harder, starting with me, the 3 directors, the few managers, and everyone else... 25 minute turn-arounds on the ground are tough to do, but they are now established in this industry as "standard". And at the end, it increases productivity and it allows me to offer cheaper flights.

    - "Part-time contracts". Everyone has access to a full-time contract, I am not sure what you mean on this case.

    - "Experienced workers". Everyone of the 60 first pilots had over 2000 hours of flying experience on a Airbus 320 - you can´t find that at any other airline. All of the 60 cabin crew hired had worked at least two airlines. And with the exception of two becarios, everyone in the office has work experience. Again, I am not sure what you are talking about in our case. I will, undoubtedly, hire less experienced people for two reasons: they will offer an economic advantage, and second, I have promised the local authorities of our destinations that I will generate more jobs. I think it´s a win-win situation. One final thought: if you were making reference to maintenance, it is performed by Iberia Maintenance.

    - "Do those airplanes have the same inspections than others from non low-price companies?". I will let you decide. Our planes receive exactly the same maintenance as Iberia A320s - the same. It´s really expensive, but sorry, this is not where airlines, and particularly mine, cut costs. If your brother works for Iberia, he must work on my airplanes and he should know.

    - "A worker who is checking everyday at ClickAir has the same salary and working conditions than other from Iberia". Good point. You are right. We don´t have people that have worked at our airline for 20 years, and this company cannot offer me or any other employee the same conditions as someone that has worked at a company for 20 years. This results in an economic advantage which any new company in any new industry enjoys. HOWEVER, your point is very important: the key thing is if our people are unhappy or uncomfortable. Please, come and visit us anytime - come to reception, ask for myself or anyone else and walk around. I am pretty sure that you will feel an environment which is cool, compassionate, hard-working and enthusiastic.

    Ladybird, we are not trying to fool anyone. We are just trying to make this project work - we are all excited about it and everyone involved from top to bottom is willing to work hard to make it happen. And, really, you are invited to come and see us anytime you´d like and check for yourself.


  • At 11:48 PM, Blogger Pumuky's & CO. said…

    I agree with you, in a flight of low-cost you cannot demand an excellent service but Flying is a service where the safety isn't an option or an added which means to pay more!
    This service implies safety, I already will pay more if I want they give me a chocolate.

  • At 12:47 AM, Blogger GEKO said…

    Hello Ladybird.

    I don't agree with you. I flew with ryanair to London and the flight and the service was really good! Better than Iberia services and the price was half price. Vueling is really good too! Iberia in one word is a really expensive shit! If you want pay more for the same fligh, you will do it.It's you decision but I want to pay less and fly more.

  • At 2:25 AM, Blogger Ladybird said…

    Mr. Alex Cruz.
    You are defending particularly ClickAir's position and ClickAir is probably an exception comparing with other low-cost companies. In my post I'm talking in general about low-cost companies. In fact, many people say ClickAir is Iberia low-cost airline (I don´t know if it is true or not). What my brother says about airplanes inspections is also in general (not particular). What I explain about low salaries and part-time contracts with bad conditions is based on my nephew last work experience with a low-cost company (which is not ClickAir). Anyway, I didn´t want to hurt you with my comments (excuseme if you've felt hurt). In fact the reason of my blog is not for arguing with readers, just comment friendly about different topics. I have said in my post NOTHING about happiness or unhappiness from your employees. Probably your employees are very happy with their working condition. CONGRATULATIONS. But, IN GENERAL, and I put it in capital letters to enphasize it, working conditions at low-cost companies are far from being a "HAPPY" condition.
    Anyway Mr. Alex Cruz, congratulations for trying to make your project work and thanks for inviting me to visiting you.

  • At 1:49 AM, Blogger GEKO said…

    Hello Ladybird!

    Yes, you are right. When there is a problem with a low-cost company is really difficult to achieved our purpose, but we have our rights (passengers rights), and those rights don't depend on the company. They are the same for Iberia, Lufthansa, KLM, Garuda airlines...I know it's not fair to treat people like that but...this is Spain!!!

    Do you remember the strike on 28th July 2006? I was there on 29th July.I was really lucky because eventually I could take my flight and arrive to Frankfurt on time to take my other two flies.I know how these people are feeling!!!!!!!!!!

  • At 7:16 AM, Blogger kayser_soze_ said…

    Hi everybody,

    I don't have a lot of experience flying, but in my flights to Brussels and to Seville with Vueling and to London with Ryanair I didn't have any problems. Could be I was very lucky, I don't know. But if I want to travel my first option is one of the low-cost companies.


  • At 12:29 PM, Blogger NaCuPeNdA said…

    hi laidybird!like shanti i disagree with you. i 've travelled a lot and i can say that travelling with vueling or ryanairis cheaper and the personal is very correct with the passengers. also i've had a bad experience with iberia and the workers didn't find any solution to my problem an for this i 've to stay one day in madrid waiting for my next plane.

  • At 3:15 PM, Blogger Eddie_IM said…

    I also disagree with you. You should know that when you pay for a service, you pay for the prime cost of the service (cost of the plain, fuel, etc) and for the part that recieves the company. IN theory, the low cost companys should low their cost in their benefit part and in things that doesn't involve your security (like newspapers,the comodity of the sits, break, etc).

    I've flown in a low-cost company (easyjet) and I haven't got any problem. If a company doesn't have a high security, it's not a low cost company, it's an illegal company.


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