
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Introducing Ladybird

Better late than never. Hi classmates. This is Ladybird and I hope to share experiences during all this year with all of you but, first of all, I need to discover how does this page works. I have never worked before with blogs so I think I will need some time... Ummm, TIME!!! What a precious thing!!! Have you ever thought 24 hours is not enough for you in one day???


  • At 12:30 PM, Blogger NaCuPeNdA said…

    hi ladybird!!
    i'm new in this kind of things like the bloggs so i need some help.
    i tink time is an important point of our life and it's very important to organise yourself properly, for me it's very difficult because i do amoung of things everyday an i rekon that it's a good idea to have more hours for day, like this we'll have time for do more than now but i think this is impossible for the moment but we can dream...

  • At 12:28 AM, Blogger Pumuky's & CO. said…

    Thanks for your moral support.I know my sister is very happy but it's impossible But it not to feel occasionally a bit sad!
    I'd like to say I have the same porblem with the time, I need days with 48h! It would be wonderful.. or not...perhaps we would to work or study much hours... I don't know. I'll think about it!

  • At 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I do not see a solution to what you ask. I'll think about it but first, I want the all the people started. We talked about this in class.
    Sorry, I could not comment in your blog until now that you have solved the problem. I also sent you an e-mail to your ladybird address, last week.


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