
Sunday, December 17, 2006

Selling “Duros” for four pesetas!!!

Last Friday, watching the news on TV I saw a lot of people protesting at different airports because of Air Madrid problem. Goverment has cancelled its flying license because their planes haven´t passed all the security controls needed. A victim at the airport was being interviewed by a reporter and she was explained about her decission to fly with Air Madrid because the ticket price was much cheaper than the others… As my grandma says ‘ Selling “Duros” for four pesetas!!! . Strange bussiness, don´t you think?. We, the society, are falling into an spiral looking for the philosophal stone. We pretend to pay less for things having the same quality but we know that´s impossible. Why those tickets were cheaper??? Does Air Madrid, and the rest of low-cost companies offer the same services than non low-cost companies? Does Lufthansa, Air France, Alitalia, KLM, Iberia, etc… offer the same services than low-cost companies? OF COURSE, NO.

Of course, all companies can have problems but no all of them look for the same solution. A non low-cost company spent money on their planes and has qualified workers who controls airplanes security and do all security controls needed, has agreements with other companies and, in case you have a problem with a flight, they can re-route you. A low-cost company save all that money to reduce tickets cost. My question is: How much cost our security? We probably save 100 euros flying on a low-cost company and later we spend those 100 euros on any other silly thing. Do you value your life only in 100 euros???.

Let’s be more intelligent, and be intelligent doesn´t mean to save money, means to look for our security.

Friday, December 15, 2006


Hi Brieva. I have create a post in response to your post because comments are not allowed in your post.

Dear Brieva.

Don´t worry! It´s not the end of the world!. Of course, your youth hasn´t finished. Youthfulness is not a question of white hair. Yourhfulness is a question of your soul. How will you feel then when the first wrinkles appear on your face? You don´t have to feel down because of that. There are other important things to feel down than your first white hair (just think for a moment on those women from Africa who have no food for their kids!!! Do you think they should be worried about their first white hair?????)

Friday, December 01, 2006


Just yesterday I made a comment to UXIA telling him I was a little depressed because nobody made comments on my posts. Thanks to our teacher I discovered later that I had "Comments moderation" enabled so that meant I had to accept all the comments. I didn´t know about that so all the comments all of you had make me were waiting to be accepted. Fortunately I had accepted all the comments and now all of them appear in my blog. I have also unabled Comments Moderation so all comments will be accepted.
THANKS to all of you for your comments. I have discovered I have a lot of them. You cannot imagine how happy I feel now!!!.