
Sunday, April 29, 2007

It’s time for giving thanks

Now that the blog experience is arriving at its final days, Ladybird wants to say THANKS. THANKS Virginia (or Nuria as you like) for this BLOG experience. I think we still don’t appreciate how much have we learned. THANKS to all of you. THANKS for reading my posts, THANKS for being patience with me, THANKS for your comments, SPECIAL THANKS TO Pumuky’s & CO, Blog Writer, Eddie_IM, Still Acer, Maia, BlueSky, Kayser_Soze, Nacupenda, Shanti and to the rest of the writers and readers. Virginia THANKS for your corrections, for your patience and also for your comments. Now that we have arrived to the end of the posts I have discovered how my writings have become much better despite I still make some mistakes.

But, who the hell is Ladybird???. Is it an ethereal soul over your heads or is it a quiet person in class? , and which class? Is it a woman or a man? Be patient and wait for the party day.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The incorrect using of the word “HELP”

Yesterday I was thinking about writing a post about male chauvinist and a wrong word used many times by women “My husband helps me a lot at home” (talking, of course, about housework). I have looked at the dictionary for the definition of the word HELP and I have felt astonished when I have read one of the definitions:

the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; example - "he gave me an assist with the housework"; ( Are housework tasks only for women? Why do we consider that a man is HELPING a woman when he does housework? I always have considered me and my husband living at the same house and SHARING (that could be a correct word) activities at home. How can women fight for equal rights than men having those kind of definitions at the dictionary? Just try to look for the word “househusband”. Could you find it at the dictionary? (of course, housewife it is!!!). I’m waiting for your comments (women and men)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dog Meat

Some years ago I took this picture at Qingping Market, in Canton (China). I think I will never forget that experience, specially because it was the first place to visit after our arrival to China. It’s difficult to describe the smell, it was not bad but it was totally different (a new smell for me). Some minutes later we arrived to butcher’s area and I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing but there they were, dogs at butcher’s. They were previously boiled to take out the skin. In fact, we had read in our guide book that in Guandong Province (in the south of China) all the things with four legs could be eaten (except tables and chairs!!!) and it was true. If you went for a walk around that market you could see all kind of animals (some of them protected in Europe), dogs, rats, fawns, tortoises, snakes, ferrets… The market also had one of the biggest sections in Chinese medicine products I’ve ever seen. If you ever go to Canton, then Qingping Market is a must . I’m sure you will be astonished.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Diary Entry: The best day in my life

June 21st. Today is the day. We have been waiting for many months and today, if everything is OK, our dreams will come true. Helena, our translator, is waiting for us outside. First of all, we must visit Mrs. Vasilievna. She will give us the permission access to the orphanage. She explains to us that she is not sure if today we will be able to visit the orphanage but, after some phone calls, she tells us we will go in the afternoon. We still have some free hours so our driver decides to show us the highlights of the city and we also go for a walk along the Volga river. Unfortunately, I cannot concen- trate on all the things the driver wants to show us, specially because my mind is not there at the moment. Finally, we arrive at the orphanage and we come into a big room decorated with a big sofa, a piano and some toys. Two very kind doctors, a social assistant, the orphanage’s director and two more nurses (all of them women) are waiting for us. There, they read us her medical and social report. The long-waited moment is just going to arrive. Someone opens the door. My heart is beating so fast. A precious little toddler come into the room walking by herself with a nurse. She is shy, looking at the floor but, in fact, I think she knows something special is happening. There she is, the most beautiful girl in the world,…. MY PRECIOUS LITTLE GIRL.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Mini-Saga: The Parrot

He saw his bulldog with the neighbour’s parrot in his mouth. It was dead and covered with sand. He though “Oh, My Godness. My dog has killed the parrot”. He cleaned the sand from its feathers and came into his neighbour’s house by the window. “I will put it inside the cage and they will think he has died by natural reasons”. When the neighbours arrived from their weekend trip they were just near to die by a heart attack “Oh, my God, he died last Friday, we buried him in the beach… and he has come back to his cage!!!.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Selling “Duros” for four pesetas!!!

Last Friday, watching the news on TV I saw a lot of people protesting at different airports because of Air Madrid problem. Goverment has cancelled its flying license because their planes haven´t passed all the security controls needed. A victim at the airport was being interviewed by a reporter and she was explained about her decission to fly with Air Madrid because the ticket price was much cheaper than the others… As my grandma says ‘ Selling “Duros” for four pesetas!!! . Strange bussiness, don´t you think?. We, the society, are falling into an spiral looking for the philosophal stone. We pretend to pay less for things having the same quality but we know that´s impossible. Why those tickets were cheaper??? Does Air Madrid, and the rest of low-cost companies offer the same services than non low-cost companies? Does Lufthansa, Air France, Alitalia, KLM, Iberia, etc… offer the same services than low-cost companies? OF COURSE, NO.

Of course, all companies can have problems but no all of them look for the same solution. A non low-cost company spent money on their planes and has qualified workers who controls airplanes security and do all security controls needed, has agreements with other companies and, in case you have a problem with a flight, they can re-route you. A low-cost company save all that money to reduce tickets cost. My question is: How much cost our security? We probably save 100 euros flying on a low-cost company and later we spend those 100 euros on any other silly thing. Do you value your life only in 100 euros???.

Let’s be more intelligent, and be intelligent doesn´t mean to save money, means to look for our security.

Friday, December 15, 2006


Hi Brieva. I have create a post in response to your post because comments are not allowed in your post.

Dear Brieva.

Don´t worry! It´s not the end of the world!. Of course, your youth hasn´t finished. Youthfulness is not a question of white hair. Yourhfulness is a question of your soul. How will you feel then when the first wrinkles appear on your face? You don´t have to feel down because of that. There are other important things to feel down than your first white hair (just think for a moment on those women from Africa who have no food for their kids!!! Do you think they should be worried about their first white hair?????)